How to Become an RA
By Taylor Parker
Want a job? Want to live on campus? Well becoming a resident assistant is probably

“ I love being an RA,” says RA, Ariel Rogers, “It’s hectic, but it really is a cool job.” Ariel is a sophomore who lives on the eighth floor of Martin and she watches after 54 girls who live there. Most people would think that it would be a nightmare to, not necessarily babysit, but to keep an eye out on these girls. “The best part about my job is meeting all of you and getting to know all of you,” Ariel said.
Along with being a resident assistant, one must be able to provide security and make sure the floor is a safe and healthy environment for students to live in. Also, resident assistants must act as a role model for their floor mates by following all regulations of the dorms.
To become a resident assistant, there are a few qualifications one has to go through. Resident assistant must attain a Grade Point Average of 2.5 or above and they must turn in a resume with the application. To find an application, visit the Ole Miss Department of Student Housing and Residence Life office or visit the website. (see link below). RA’s must keep up with all personnel that reside on the floor and keep accurate records or check-ins and checkouts of visitors. They must maintain good communication skills and take responsibility for conflict if it occurs.
“I live on the second floor of Stockard and the boys come in late and throw stuff and pull fire alarms and what not and we have to make sure that if that happens that everyone gets out of the building,” Junior Resident Assistant, Ralph O’Connor stressed, “Sometimes I can’t always defuse a situation so I get other RA’s to help and if that doesn’t work, we call UPD.” Ralph tried to explain, that when University Police is involved it is not to get the person in trouble, it is for the safety of other who live on that particular floor.
A lot of responsibility is necessary for the job. Maintain the grades and also keeping up with 54 other students is a difficult task for most people. Resident assistants have to be able to have good judgment and character and be able to get along with everyone. Being a resident assistant is a great way to meet new faces to campus and also having it on a resume for future job interviews will show that you can handle pretty heavy-duty tasks.
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